Were Not Our Hearts Burning:Living Our Legacy

If I could put time in a bottle
If I could put time in a bottle

We are  coming to the last month of staying in this home. After 8 years of being here in the "dream home" we built, we feel the attachment to this place quite keenly. Many memories were created here and this was the last home where my dad lived before making his transition.So for me moving on from here  is  especially poignant .

In the scheme of things we go about our business everyday and hope to be as present as we can to each moment,but  in these transition moments everything seems to have meaning.

It isn't a coincidence that my cousin Phil, a pastor and  minister of healing from Georgia, came to visist us for three days this past week.

Phil has an uncanny resemblance to my dad and ways of being like my dad  that caused me to breathe and pause many times during his visit.It's as if my heart was soaking in:"Remember, I am with you always".I once remember saying, "wouldn't it be great if those we loved and who have made their transition could come back in the physical form on their anniversary date?"This visit was reminiscent of the story of Emmaus, where the disciples of   Jesus felt a burning in their hearts at the breaking of the bread, and "knew" the Presence of God was within and among them.

My cousin left this morning,and soon we  also will leave this property.We have blessed it for the new young couple that will fill it with a new young family.I can just imagine the sound of children running up and down these stairs and everyone experiencing such joy they can barely contain themselves!

As for us, our moving on days are here. We, like the nautilus shell that creates new chambers as it moves "out of its shell", we'll take with us only what can fit in our downsized home, wherever that will be, as we continue to live our legacy well.And like many boomers, we'll cherish in our hearts the memories we have created which will warm us all the days of our lives.