Warhorse symbolism a wow

Warhorse the Movie I knew I had to see this movie on the big screen,and now I know why.

The message was larger than life.

Steven Spielberg masterfully communicates through landscapes the richness of our inner world, and if one really looks at this "warhorse" one cannot escape the symbols there for us .

I hadn't recognized myself in the energy and story of the horse at the beginning of the movie, but by the time, he was separated from his master,my Spirit engaged in a way that I knew,this story was not only his story but also mine.

It's when the enemies of war cane together on his behalf that I observed how this animal had brought those parts of us at war within to come together for the good of another.

Not wanting to give away the scenes more specifically to those of you yet to see the movie, let it suffice for now to say,as to the legacy of love and being love, we never lose what we love ,not if we look within and as did this horse follow the "call".

I welcome your feedback.Long live on the "warhorse in all of us"!